Tendrils of a new planetary culture are emerging through the liberating breakdown of old beliefs, institutions and power relationships.

The core values of this culture
put universal human and ecosystems’
rights and a healthy global biosphere
before nationalism, corporate profits
or individual self-interest.

We now have the opportunity to
co-create a better world than has
ever before existed!

Link to the EON site for resources from planetarian thinkers and actors. Joyfully engage the challenges of our time with spiritual gusto.

Re-envision your life to help nurture the emergence of an enlightened culture.

Syntropy is the innate drive in
all living matter, individuals and
whole systems toward growth,
self-transcendence, higher order
and beauty. It is the drive toward
optimal evolutionary potential.
Syntropy is the opposite of
entropy, the force of devolution,
decomposition and breakdown.

Syntropia is that beautiful place
in the future where all species
cooperate in a vibrant trans-species
culture, co-creating their
highest evolutionary potential,
living in harmony with a healed
and healthful Gaia.

Planetarian Paradigm encompasses trans-disciplinary, transcultural perspectives in spirituality,
the environment, politics, economics, smore to constitute an emerging
21st century worldview from
which to build an enlightened
planetary culture.

Our Mission is to contribute to the
growth of this new syntropic planetary culture by publishing various planetarian perspectives.
Syntropia Press is a project of EON, The Ecological Options Network a 501 (c) (3) non-profit organization © 2009